Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sunday July 25,2010

Thanks you to: greeters- Colter and Luke; bell ringers- Colter and Luke;candle lighter- Brenda; organist- Liz; readers- Arline and Barb; collection - Gavin and his Mum

The children heard some knock, knock jokes. They learned that when they pray to God, they too need to knock [ and persist in prayer] just like the man who went to his neighbour late at night for bread.When we ask of the Father, we receive.When we seek, we find. When we knock, God opens the door.

We had the prophet Hosea [Kara] visit and be interviewed by Jessie and give us his message to forgive others.

The sermon was on prayer.There are four functions of prayer: 1- adoration;
2- confession; 3- thanksgiving; 4- supplication. I talked about the Lord's Prayer and how people just seem to rattle through it without thought for what they really are saying. Brandi-Lynn and I did a 2-part version of someone praying the Lord's Prayer with God responding. It provided much food for thought.When we present everything that delights us to God, we are sharing with God who we are and what we are and that builds betewen God and ourselves the imtimacy that allows the new life that God wants to give us and our world come together. Speak often to God...... God WILL answer.

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