Today was Thanksgiving Sunday and Children's Service.
Thank you to: decorator- Val G; greeters and collection- Sage and Sydney; organist - Liz; candle lighter - Johnathon and his Mum; readers- Kara and Jessie;
The hymns for today were so uplifting and filled with memories for us all.The children's sermon talked about what thanksgiving means. The story of the 10 lepers was retold. Jesus saw everyone and showed mercy to them. We are to do the same... to see the lonely, the lost, the sick, the sad. the isolated . God wants us to see everyone and help in any way we are able and our faith will help us help others. Are we the one who thanks Jesus or are we the nine who go our way? We talked about being thankful and the things for which we thank God.I told them the story of the 5 kernels to illustrate our thankfulness. Everyone in church received a special little bag to remind them to always be thankful.
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